Partnering with you
to create healthy smiles
Delta Dental of Wyoming

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Helping You Keep Your Patients Healthy & Smiling

We are committed to providing the tools and information you need to make it easy to work with us, so you can focus on what matters most — your patient’s healthy smiles. We believe that a healthy smile translates into a happy, healthy life, so we want to create and protect healthy smiles for all Wyomingites. Delta Dental of Wyoming understands that our providers are an integral part of fulfilling our mission and doing business.

— Dentist —

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2025 ACA Certified Off Exchange Brochure


2025 Individual Plan Brochure


2025 Individual Plan Application


2025 ACA Individual & Family High Plan


2025 ACA Individual & Family Low Plan


2025 ACA Off Exchange Individual Application


Delta Dental of Wyoming is proud to introduce the NEW Health through Oral Wellness® program, or HOW® for short. HOW is a unique, patient-centered program that adds additional benefits to dental plans, based on the patient's individual oral health needs. By performing a simple risk assessment at the beginning of the patient's visit, high-risk patients may have access to additional preventive and health-sustaining benefits.

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Receive Additional Dental Benefits for High Risk Patients

Delta Dental of Wyoming Benefit Plans

— Frequent Questions —

Dentist FAQ's

Preauthorization’s are not required, but they are strongly encouraged. Preauthorization’s reduce patients’ confusion about coverage levels and enhance goodwill among the dentist, the patient and Delta Dental. Preauthorization’s also allow your patient the opportunity to make proper financial arrangements for their portion of the treatment cost before actual work begins.

Posterior composites are an optional benefit and must be selected by the employer in order to be included in the patient’s plan.

When you participate with Delta Dental, if your fee or a service exceeds Delta Dental’s maximum plan allowance, participating dentists agree to write-off any difference and not charge the remaining balance to the patient.

By signing the contract to participate with Delta Dental of Wyoming, you also agree to see patients who have coverage through other Delta Dental Member Companies nationwide.

As a participating dentist,

  1. You have the convenience of submitting claims and checking claim status online,
  2. You are eligible for electronic funds transfer,
  3. We will send payments directly to you based on your fees or Delta Dental’s maximum allowance,
  4. We will include your name in the participating dentist directory available to all groups and members covered by Delta Dental of Wyoming,
  5. Your name will be listed in Delta Dental’s national directory of participating dentists.

Submitting a monthly claim for orthodontics is not necessary. Normally, the claim is filed for the entire treatment, and Delta Dental will set up the orthodontic case on an automatic payment schedule. Payments will be sent out on a bi-annual schedule until treatment is completed, terminated, or the patient is no longer eligible.

No, a participating Delta Dental provider is not required to take write-offs on procedures that are excluded by the patient's dental plan. If you have questions regarding this policy or if you have questions about a specific patient's benefits and whether a specific procedure is covered, please call us at 307-632-3313 or toll free at 1-800-735-3379.

Under most plans, your patient will still receive benefits, but he or she may have more out-of-pocket expenses and the Delta Dental payment will go directly to the patient.